Băile Herculane Tourist Information

Overview of the historic centre and Hercules Square

4th Pavilion (Apollo Hotel)
Pavilion Number 4 was originally built in 1824 as a military health resort for officers. It is now the Apollo Hotel.

New town centre with comunist era hotels and Domogled Mountains

Open air treatments

Apollo Bath - now a visitor centre
One of the first baths built in the Roman Period, and restored several times, the Apollo Baths have been visited by many famous people!

Hercules Statue
The statue of Hercules, who gives his name to Băile Herculane celebrates his connection to the area and the waters. According to legend, Hercules’ famous fight with the many-headed Hydra was in the Cerna valley. After Hercules caught the Hydra and cut off her first head he met a very old woman who told him that if he bathed in the thermal waters on Cerna Valley he would have enough power to fight until the end and destroy the Hydra.

This mountainous area is part of the Natura 2000 protected site .
Negatively ionised mountain air is part of the resort’s attraction.

The Iron Bridge and the Neptune Baths

The Casino

Central Park
Crucea Ghizelei,
Izvorul Hercules
Neptun I, II, III & IV
511H, sera de flori
Diana 4578
Domogled C1 & C2
Earliest known use
102 CE
Hottest Spring
Chemical Elements