Bad Kissingen, one of the Great Spa Towns of Europe – World Heritage Site – is a Bavarian town that bridges nineteenth century neoclassicism and modernity, and is outstanding for the reform era of the early twentieth century. Architect Max Littmann built and rebuilt almost the entire spa in exceptional architecture using innovative forms and materials; the unparalleled Wandelhalle pump room is the largest structure of its kind in the world. Development took place outside the medieval walled town, guided by the cluster of springs, the Saale River, and the oldest formal spa garden outside an urban context, the whole making a seamless transition into parks and wooded hills. Internationalism increased from 1874 with visits by German Imperial Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. His living quarters are preserved at the Upper Saline, part of a second spa quarter distinguished by early industrial-scale facilities for the production of brine, an important feature of European spas. Health tourism remains vibrant in Bad Kissingen, which is famed throughout Germany for its waters and lifestyle.

Bad Kissingen Tourist Information
Historical Background
At the beginning of the 19th century, the Bavarian kings became aware of the town – of its medicinal springs and its potential as a health resort. Although an expert had described it as a ‘provincial spa’ in 1811, this was soon to change dramatically. First, the recast of the former ‘Sauer-Brunnen’ (sour spring) – today’s ‘Maxbrunnen’ (Max spring) on the corner of the ‘Kurgarten’ (spa garden) – was started. A spa inspector was employed, and the expansion of the tourist infrastructure was speeded up. In particular, the ‘Kurgarten’ had to be enlarged and the spa facilities modernised. To do this, Ludwig I commissioned none other than the Munich star architect Friedrich von Gärtner. Bad Kissingen could then finally develop into a celebrated spa of world renown from 1833 onwards, after the first spa visit by the Bavarian king.
It wasn’t just Otto Fürst von Bismarck and Empress Elisabeth ‘Sisi’ of Austria who appreciated Bad Kissingen – practically everyone who was anyone in the European aristocracy came to the Fränkische Saale river from the 1830s onwards. The social and political dimensions of visiting health resorts could no longer be underestimated. At the same time, Kissingen became a fashionable resort for the European aristocracy and bourgeoisie as well as for artists, writers and musicians. For example, names like Theodor Fontane, George Bernard Shaw and Richard Strauss would appear on the guest lists.
The Wandelhalle has the largest foyer in Europe and is home to the Staatsbad Philharmonie Kissingen who play to spa guests nearly every day.
The waters
As long as 500 years ago, doctors recognised the benefits of Bad Kissingen’s medicinal waters, which are aerated and rich in minerals. They are scientifically proven to have a healing, alleviating and prophylactic effect. The Rakoczy and Pandur springs, ‘Luitpoldsprudel “alt”’ (Luitpold spring water ‘old’), the ‘Maxbrunnen’ (Max spring) as well as ‘Kissinger Bitterwasser’ (Kissingen bitter water) are used for drinking cures. Among other things, they are used to regulate digestion and to treat diseases of the respiratory tracts, in cases of exhaustion or anaemia. The ‘Luitpoldsprudel “neu”’ (Luitpold spring water ‘new’), the ‘Runder Brunnen’ (round spring) and the ‘Schönbornsprudel’ (Schönborn spring), which fill the KissSalis thermal pools, are mainly used for bathing cures. The medicinal springs are also used for inhalation in the ‘Gradierbau’ (graduation tower) or in the Kneippbecken (Kneipp pools).
Regardless of whether you come to Bad Kissingen for prevention, regeneration or rehabilitation: the medical focus is on the themes of mental health and a healthy lifestyle. Our main goal is to strengthen your mental and emotional resilience. Whether you are generally healthy or acutely stressed, we have a wide range of offers to help you relax, recuperate and regain energy. However, even if you are already ill: mental strength always plays a central role particularly in our 19 specialist and rehabilitation clinics. Therefore, you can trust in the proven interaction of classical spa culture and health-promoting activities, alternative therapies and modern medicine.
The many offers and treatments in Bad Kissingen make it easy for you to do something good for your health here. For example, treat yourself to our soothing healing springs – as a drink served daily in the Brunnenhalle, or as a bath in our wonderful KissSalis thermal baths. Discover the power of nature in our gardens and parks or during a day excursion in the surrounding region or the Rhoen biosphere reserve. Sports and games are especially fun in verdant Bad Kissingen. The “Path of Reflection” or the barefoot labyrinth in the Luitpoldpark provide the perfect setting for you to practice mindfulness and train your senses.

Rakoczy Spring, Pandur Spring, Max Brunnen, Runder Brunnen, Schönborn.
Earliest known use
Roman times
Hottest Spring
Chemical Elements
Sulfates, Calcium, Magnésium, Sodium, Potassium, Chlorides, Iron