#EHTTA for Lądek-Zdrój
EHTTA Members rally to help our member in Poland
It all started on the 26th February as the first news emerged from Ukraine, with a letter to members of EHTTA, the European Historic Thermal Towns Association from our dear friend Roman Kaczmarczyk, the Mayor of Lądek-Zdrój.
Anticipating that large numbers of Ukrainian refugees would be arriving in his town very soon, he appealed to other towns in our network for help. He called, and they responded!
Within a few short days, after local appeals for money and essential supplies, members have now sent at least 8 large trucks to Poland, and more is being done behind the scenes. We are also aware of many towns that are responding to their national calls for humanitarian aid, and others are contributing financially. More towns are now beginning to host refugees as the tide of those fleeing the are heads west.
Mr Roman Kaczmarczyk has also set up a shuttle to fetch refugees from the Ukranian border, bringing them directly to his spa town for safety and shelter after fleeing their homes in the hardest of circumstances. To Roman and all the mayors and citizens of the towns that have contributed so far, we salute and thank you for your generosity!
#EHTTAforLadekZdroj #StandwithUkraine

- UPDATE Friday, 11th March 2022
Women and children are still arriving in Ladek-Zdroj and the municipality has started on their registration.
A neighbouring town received 150 children from a Kiev child care home yesterday.
Goods already received (blankets, pillows, mattresses, etc.) are more than sufficient, and toys are not needed any more.
Thanks to the masses of items received, other neighbouring communities have received some, too! A laundry has been set up where the women can wash their clothes for free, and the town has set up a dispensing station to distribute the donated goods.
PHASE 2: What’s still needed for women and children:
→ Non-perishable food
→ Sanitary products for women
→ Hygienic articles for children
→ laundry detergents, cleaning utensils
→ Bandages, band Aids, first aid kits
→ Medicine (for colds, coughs, sore throats, painkillers)
→ Baby Food 0 – 2 years old (instant)
→ Baby Bottles (for instant milk)
→ Powerbanks, batteries and headlights – also very important