Café of Europe
Aquae urbesque condunt
EHTTA Café of Europe: Aquae urbseque condunt
An event exploring the Roman origins of many of our Historic Thermal Towns, and how those Roman origins still draw visitors to our towns today.
Our host town, São Pedro do Sul has recently finished refurbishing its historic Roman baths, and this will be the venue for the Café of Europe – a perfect setting to explore its ancient roots and those of Bath, Vichy, Ourense, Acqui Terme and Caldes de Montbui..
The Peutinger Map (or Tabula Peuetingeriana), illustrated above is an ancient Roman road map in which thermal urban settlements (Aquae) are the only sites with a specific iconographic symbol. The Peutinger Map clearly shows importance of thermal waters for the Romans.
The title for the Café of Europe, “EHTTA: Aquae urbesque condunt”, is taken from Natural History by Pliny the Elder, and means “Water founds cities” – an appropriate title for an event organised by EHTTA, the network which today represents the thermal towns of Europe.

12th May 2021 Edition Programme
Roman Ruins, Termas de São Pedro do Sul, Portugal
Global moderator: Simone Zagrodnik, Executive Director, EHTTA
16.45 – 17.00
Welcome from the Portuguese Secretary of State for Tourism – Engenheira Rita Marques
Introduction Paul Simons, President of the EHTTA Scientific Committee
17:00h – 17:15h
Presentation “ehtta: Aquae urbesque condunt”
Mario Crecente, Vice President of the EHTTA Scientific Committee.
17:15h – 17:30h
São Pedro do Sul (Portugal)
Pedro Mouro, Vice President of the Municipality of São Pedro de Sul
Fátima Saraiva, Public Relations Manager, Termas S. Pedro do Sul
17:30h – 17:45h
Ourense (Spain)
Emma González, Manager of INORDE (Institute for Economic Development of Ourense Province)
17.45h – 18.00h
Questions & Answers / Break
18:00h – 18:15h
Bath (UK)
Stephen Bird, Head of Heritage Services, Bath & North East Somerset
18:15h – 18:30h
Vichy (France)
Lise Augustin, PhD student in archaeology, “Spaces and Cultures” History Centre, Clermont Auvergne University
18:30h – 19:00h
Caldes de Montbui (Spain)
Carme Germà Vila, Councillor for Tourism, Thermalism & Heritage
Acqui Terme (Italy)
Lorenzo Lucchini, Mayor