Premier for the European Historic Thermal Towns Association: for the first time a general assembly was held in the Eastern part of the network, in Azerbaijan.
Hosted in Galaalti, EHTTA members from all over Europe met for three days from May 30 to June 1, 2018 for the association’s spring general assembly.
The opening ceremony and the cultural parallel meetings scheduled in the three days have been attended by the Minister of Culture, Mr. Abulfas Garayev.
“We appreciate the very warm welcome by our friends from Azerbaijan and are very thankful for the outstanding hospitality in Galaalti”, said EHTTA president Mr. Giuseppe Bellandi on the occasion of the meeting. He stressed the importance of transnational co-operations and projects, explaining that Italy and Azerbaijan joined in 2011 the The Council of Europe Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes (the EPA), which was established in 2010. “It ensures the implementation of this cultural programme, which has lead us so far today”.
Representatives from other territories and organizations from Azerbaijan joined the event, seeking exchange of information and experience with representatives from historic thermal towns from France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Greece and Turkey.
On the occasion of the general assembly EHTTA managing the European Route of Historic Thermal Towns welcomed Clermont Métropole (France) as new associated member. There are now 44 members from 15 countries belonging to the association, which also launched its new website on and introduced it to its members and the public during the Azerbaijan meeting.
The delegates from the European historic thermal towns joined study visits to the UNESCO old quarter of Baku, Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape Reserve (UNESCO World Heritage Site). An amazing experience in touch with the rich heritage of Azerbaijan.