On 25 June the second meeting of the EHTTA Executive Council this year took place in Brussels, Peidmont Region, 62 rue du Trône.
The members of the Executive Council have worked a lot on different topics. One of the main subjects have been the preperations of the 10th anniversary celebrations of EHTTA, taking place in Spa in October.The celebrations of the 10th anniversary will be the balance of the work of the first 10 years of activity, the Executive Coucil has therefore decided not only to celebrate but to present to the associates the concrete work in terms of projects, lobbies and visibility. Moreover the candidature of the next president and the next vice-president were presented. The Executive Council also discussed the future of EHTTA and all further strategies. With the renewal of the post of President, Vice Presidents and Executive Council, which will be effective from the General Assembly of Spa in October, will begin a new cycle with the opening to collaborations with the Great Spas of Europe, Partenalia and other European institutions to strengthen the Cultural Route of the Historical Thermal Towns.
The network was also happy to meet Claude-Eugène Bouvier of the European Spas Association (ESPA) to talk about future collaborations and the possibility of building up an “Economic Observatory” in collaboration with EHTTA.