EHTTA attended the EUSAIR Worshop on “Cultural Tourism and Local Identity” – 30th Nov. 2018, Athens (Greece)

30 November 2018, Athens

EUSAIR – Cultural Toursim and Locali Identity panel

The EUSAIR Workshop on “Cultural Tourism and Local Identity” took place on the 30th of November 2018 in Athens. This Workshop gave the opportunity to showcase the local identity as a competitive advantage of the participant countries as far as sustainable tourism development is concerned as well as boost networking among the participants, the exchange of best practices, knowledge and experience on this specific topic.

It welcomed experts who work on special interest tourism and thematic products, in particular on cultural tourism in local governments, in national authorities, but also politics, businesses, industry and NGOs. Workshop was organized by the Greek Ministry of Tourism with the support of the Greek Ministry of Economy and Development (EUSAIR Facility Point- Greece). This initiative lied within the framework of EUSAIR and its set priorities, namely the diversification of the tourism offer, sustainable development and the extension of the tourism season. Key objective was to raise the awareness among all the EUSAIR stakeholders on the development of sustainable and thematic/cultural routes and products, their significance and contribution on the valorisation and esteem of local identity and on the local development upon sustainability principles.

See more here.

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