Letter from the new managing director, Michel Thomas-Penette, about the recent activity in our network
25 thermal towns choose their european strategy in Bath
Looking back into history, water cures are linked to religious ceremonies. That which is true of the Greeks, celebrating their athletes is also true of the Romans who spread the practice from the center of Italy throughout the entire Empire. The idea of the purifying nature of thermal baths can also be found in Andalusian Spain, under the influence of the Arab-Berber world, and in the Ottoman Empire whose
influence can be seen in Budapest. But it was not until the 18th century up to the beginning of 20th centurythat the most well-known sites were built, where new medical treatments were developed based on the bath, the absorption of water and the manipulation of the body.
The spas of Western and Central Europe have long been frequented by the political and cultural elite, creating centres of cultural exchanges in numerous cities and it could be said that they launched health tourism as a form of modern tourism. These celebrities were at the origin of the prestigious image of these resorts and gave birth to a great success which generated prestigious hotels and a series of leisure activities, with people going from the first casinos to musical theatres, to landscape gardens and promenades where tourists could show off the latest fashions.
This is the story, but also the shared heritage and memory that the European Historical Thermal Towns Association (EHTTA) decided to promote and valorize when inaugurating a European cultural route which received the prestigious certification of the Council of Europe in year 2010.
The general Assembly of this Association took place in Bath, United Kingdom on 21 and 22 March
This thermal city, one of the highlight destinations in England with a constant increase of tourists, offers a remarkable unity in the Georgian architectural style, and the entire City has now been a World Heritage Site for 25 years. The Roman Baths which have been rediscovered and perfectly restored attract some one million visitors year.
Bath is not only known for its prestigious heritage but also for its innovation in new technologies. It of course helps visitors interact in their visits. But innovation means also constant improvement in water quality and pumping techniques” said the Leader of Bath&North East Somerset Council, Cllr Paul Crossley.
At this strategic meeting, a series of decisions were made in order to firmly settle a successful common communication policy: design of a web platform to achieve better exchanges between members, creation of a common leaflet and launching of a Facebook page, among others. Beyond that, the Association, on the basis of a previous co-operation of some of its member cities, will answer a multiannual cultural call for proposals from the European Commission next October. It will aim to improve communication towards public at large, to create a Festival of festivals with a series of events: theatre, cinema or musical shows, contemporary art exhibitions and encounters of travel diaries’ writers. It will also focus on professional training of guides who act also as actors during visits, sharing best experiences in building restorations and establishing a research and resource center. Another aim is to help small and medium enterprises working in craft industries linked to gifts and souvenirs to adopt a contemporary design line.
The lively development of the high society of thermal towns brought a perspective to the European interpretation of societies which succeeded each other in thermal cities. Joseph II, after his stay in 1781,named Spa the “Café of Europe”. The Association plans to benefit from some the best Congress Centres of the member cities to launch a kind of “Davos European Cultural Forum” travelling from one city to another along the year. These encounters with personalities who exist in a shared European history and memory, as well as in the future of common European identity should attract various categories of visitors and bring to life, in a democratic and contemporary approach, the very origin of cultural Grand Tour.
Christian Corne, deputy Mayor of Vichy and President of the EHTTA announced his optimistic convictions about the quality and future developments of a network which now involves nine European countries. He insisted on the great potential of increase, especially in Greater Europe. “We have received proposals from cities in Turkey and Armenia” he said. “The great chance for our members is certainly the rapid changes that occur today for thermal cities. The future will be based on a Europe without borders. Europeans could choose the place for their care in the country they prefer, but tourists will also face new offers in a Union of Countries which will benefit of a quality policy and common branding “Destination Europe” keeping the continent at first rank in the world.”
His conclusions underlined that the strategy of the network will have to closely link health and tourism and that the actions have to be based on four pillars:
- A diversification of wellbeing offers in a new dynamic vision of water cures and on a renewedapproach of quality gastronomy involving local producers
- An interactive valorization of thermal heritage, of prestigious buildings, as well as of the immaterial
heritage carried by creators and intellectuals who were iconic to the resorts; - A contemporary and innovative answer to cultural demands not only those of adults but also for youngsters through actions which will help a better understanding of the past and a vivid involvement of contemporary creation;
- a proactive policy facing needs of new cultural and multi-sensorial tourism’s trends based on active visits in search of lesser-known places and unusual events.”
He ended by the assertion: “If we want to deserve and challenge the prestigious label of the Council of
Europe we certainly have to involve innovation on all fronts.”
International days of thermalism 16 – 18 November 2011
Rencontres nationales du Thermalisme – Evian 16 – 18 Novembre 2011
International days of thermalism 16 – 18 November 2011
The EHTTA at the European Conference on Tourism: “Sustainable and responsible tourism as a contributor to quality of life” in Budapest
The Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council has invited the European Route of Historical Thermal Towns, to the European Conference on Tourism entitled: “Sustainable and responsible tourism as a contributor to quality of life” (http://www.tourism2011budapest.eu/en/program.php), scheduled in Budapest on 12th and 13th May.
The conference will focus on the issue “New tourism products in European Tourism serving quality of life – Health, wellness and medical tourism”, including the new European cross-border healthcare directive and the project of the European Route of Historical Thermal Towns.
For the EHTTA association is scheduled a speech of the President Christian Corne.
Press release of Mr. Corne, E.H.T.T.A. President
La ville de Vichy idéalement située sur les rives de l’Allier a été choisie pour accueillir les Journées d’Automne du Thermalisme qui se dérouleront les 25 et 26 novembre 2010 au sein du Palais des Congrès Opéra, classé Monument Historique. Soyez persuadé que je me réjouis très sincèrement de ce choix, non seulement en ma qualité de Maire-Adjoint, mais aussi en tant que Président de la Fédération Thermale et Climatique Française.
Cette manifestation, initialement organisée pour les instances du thermalisme français, a été élargie aux membres de l’Association Européenne des Villes Thermales Historiques (E.H.T.T.A.). Cette association que j’ai également l’honneur de présider, a pour principaux objectifs : la reconnaissance de la spécificité des villes thermales, l’encouragement à sauvegarder le patrimoine thermal, architectural et culturel, la mise en œuvre au niveau de l’Union Européenne des politiques de protection de ce patrimoine ainsi que des campagnes de sensibilisation, et la construction d’un produit touristique européen axé sur cette culture historique qui permette de générer des retombées économiques pour les villes thermales européennes.
L’une des missions de ce réseau européen est déjà remplie puisque le Conseil de l’Europe nous a accordé, en mai 2010, le label d’Itinéraire culturel européen. Ce label nous sera officiellement décerné au cours d’une cérémonie qui précédera le dîner de gala du Jeudi 25 novembre.
Ces Rencontres d’Automne nous réservent encore d’autres surprises, et non des moindres… puisque notre homologue italienne, la FEDERTERME nous a fait savoir son souhait d’organiser son Assemblée Générale à Vichy. Nous connaissons le travail accompli par cette institution tant en ce qui concerne le thermalisme que le bien-être, mais aussi l’intérêt qu’elle porte aux actions menées par le réseau E.H.T.T.A. Nous sommes non seulement extrêmement honorés de recevoir cette délégation et de la faire participer à nos conférences-débats, mais également très heureux de rencontrer ses représentants et de pouvoir discuter librement de nos différentes pratiques, le tout dans une atmosphère conviviale… je peux vous en assurer.
Alors pour deux jours, Vichy, Reine des Villes d’Eaux, la bien-nommée, pavoisera aux couleurs de l’Italie… Qué viva Italia !
Dr Christian CORNE
Président de la F.T.C.F.
Président d’E.H.T.T.A.
The European cultural thermal Routes becomes reality
The Council of Europe officially awarded the “European Route of Historical and Thermal Towns” with the label of “European Cultural Route”, on 25th November 2010 in Vichy; Mr Corne, President of the EHTTA had the honour to receive this important achievement.
The ceremony took place within the “Journées d’ Automne du Thermalisme” with great satisfaction of Mr.CORNE as President of the EHTTA, promoter of the “Journées d’ Automne”, and Deputy Mayor of the city of Vichy.
This event was relevant both for the EHTTA partners and for the members of the Cultural Route that obtained the label of “European Cultural Route”. The cities involved are: Spa- Belgium, Vichy- France, Bath- United Kingdom , Ourense-Spain, Chaves- Portugal, Techirghiol-Romania, the Region of Karlovy Vary- Czech Republic, and in Italy Salsomaggiore Terme, Bagni di Lucca and Acqui Terme, that boast the Vice Presidence of the Association with its Major Mr Danilo Rapetti.
From the year 2000, when the “Thermae Europae” Culture Project started, we have come along the way up to receive the “European Thermal Route” award, that oblige
the member Towns to comply with 5 fundamental quality requirements:
- Demonstrate an heritage of thermal use and tradition of, at least, 150 years old.
- Possess a natural supply of thermal mineral water which is managed and monitored to a standard of quality as defined by legally binding regional, national or European statutes.
- Having an architectural heritage dated back, at least, to the 19th century, constituted by several buildings connected to the thermal activity and classified as “National Monument”;
- Provide details of other cultural facilities such as; art galleries, museums, theatre, concert hall, opera house, casino, conference and congress facilities.
- Offering a prime quality hospitality (through high-end hotels, three stars at least) and having a remarkable number of rooms, suitable for the thermal and touristic function of the town.
And now, what will happen after Vichy?
Once having passed the constituent phase, the Association will focus on the implementation of the networking, the instruments, the initiatives, the good practices, the new routes, the communication, the dialogue (both public and private), the relationships and the collaboration.
“The Association will mainly undertake these fundamental goals- as President CORNE said- such as the recognition of the thermal cities’ specificities, the support to the thermal, architectural and cultural heritage preservation, the development European policies concerning the safeguard and a commitment to increasing awareness about the values of this heritage, on European level, as well as the creation of a European touristic product focused on the historical culture that will be able to produce economic rebounds for the European thermal cities”.
This important stage will also be supported by the Italian thermal system, represented by Federterme which attended the first formal Assembly of the EHTTA in Acqui Terme (on May 2010). Right then the Mayor of Acqui Terme, Mr Rapetti expressed his “satisfaction coming both from the choice of the City as the welcome centre of the event and from the aim and the commitment of the promotion of thermalism in an integrated way, with an all-accomplished thermal tourism offer, as the expression of the territory’s identities, to be inserted into the framework of a strengthened collaboration, also thanks to the new European thermal routes”.
“Networking in order to increase the value of the European cultural thermal heritage and to share projects for the spa and thermal welfare growth will be a new commitment for the European thermal system – according to – Costanzo Jannotti Pecci, President of Federterme. Moreover, the European thermal route will be a promotion tool for every single Country as well as to increase the mutual acquaintance and cohesion, with an essential contribution to the consolidation of the common European Home. This commitment is shared not only by the European thermalists but also by the European Commissioner for the Industry and the Enterprise Mr Antonio Tajani, who stated that (Tourism stakeholders’ Summit, Madrid, April 14) “the most important sectors are thermal and health once, together with the cultural, religious, congressional and sporty tourism as well as the tourism of wine and food and the ecotourism, as all of them are in a growing phase”.
For that reason the thermal towns have an important role, they have to satisfy the needs and the choices of people looking for a thermal welfare model and tourism in accordance with the economic, social, territorial, environmental and cultural sustainability requirements.
The mark of the European thermal model- highly supported by the EHTTA- seems to have passed the Mediterranean as it characterized also the 63rd International Scientific Congress of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC) in Hammamet (Tunisia). The Tunisian thermalism will pay attention to the great European heritage, to the scientific culture and to the thermal qualities, with particular regard to France and Italy.
Les Journées d’Automne du Thermalisme – 25 / 26 November 2010 – VICHY (France)
On 25 and 26 November 2010, the actors of French and European thermalism will meet at the Palais des Congrès – Opéra of Vichy (Allier – France) on the occasion of “les Journées d’Automne du Thermalisme”.
This event intends to bring a response to the question concerning the adaptation of current thermalism facing the development of the 21st century European society and new consumption principles which are going to overcome in the next years.
During this venue, on 25th November, there will be the presentation of the E.H.T.T.A. Associations and the official cerimony of the Label awarding of the Council of Europe to the European Route of Historical and Thermal Towns.
The European Thermal Meeting is postponed to 2011.
Click here to view the program
European Tourism Day – Brussels, 27th September 2010
Brussels, 27th September 2010
Charlemagne Building – Room GASP
Draft Program
08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:20 Official Opening
- Address speech by Vice-President Antonio Tajani and Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou
09:20 10:40 Session I
European Cultural Itineraries: a Trans-European Cultural Tourism Model?
Chair: Ms. Françoise Hetto-Gaasch, Minister for Tourism, Luxembourg
- Mr. SandroBondi, Minister for Culture – “The Italian experience of the ‘Consulta Nazionale degli itinerari storici, culturali e religiosi'” tbc
- Mr. Brian Simpson, Member of the European Parliament – “Cultural Tourism: the EP perspective”
- Ms.Gabriella Battaini Dragoni, Director Council of Europe – “How to further develop the European Cultural Routes: The Council of Europe’s perspective”
- Mr. Michel Thomas Penette, Director Cultural Routes Institute – “Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: towards a model of quality tourism in Europe”
- Mr. Philippe Calamel, Project Director – “The Odyssea Project”
10:40 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:20 European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) Award Ceremony
12:20 – 14:00 Lunch break (at the Eden stands – Berlaymont)
Possible visit to the “Via Francigena and Cultural Routes” exhibition
14:00 – 15:30 Session II
Case studies: European citizenship and Intercultural Dialogue
Chair: Mr. Miguel Sebastián, Minister for Industry, Tourism and Trade, Spain tbc
- Ms. Silvia Costa, Member of the European Parliament
- Mr. Stefano Zappalà, Regional Minister Regione Lazio
- Mr. Massimo Tedeschi, President of the European Association of “Via Francigena” – “Via Francigena meets Abram Itinerary”
- Mr. Antoine Selosse, Director Saint Martin Route – “Saint Martin of Tours” and the
- European citizenship
- Ms. Inmaculada Lopez, Director of the Foundation “El legado Andalusi” – “Route al
- Andalus” and with the Arab culture tbc
- Roberto Varela, Regional Minister of Galicia for Tourism and Culture – “The Saint
- James’ Route” tbc
Open Debate
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:40 Session III
Case studies: Tourism, Sustainability and Networking
Chair: Mr. José Vieira da Silva, Minister for Economy, Innovation and Development,
Portugal tbc
- Mr. Antonio Cancian, Member of the European Parliament
- Mr. Michael Cramer, MEP – “The Iron Curtain Trail”
- Ms. Marinella Katsilieri, Scientific Director – “The Route of the Olive Tree” tbc
- Mr. Antonio Barone, Director Phoenician Route – “The Phoenician Route”
- Mr. Christian Corne, President of “The European Historical Thermal Town Association” (EHTTA) and Deputy Major of Vichy – “The European Thermal Route”
- Berit Lånke, Manager Nidaros Pilgrim – “The Saint Olav Route” tbc
Open Debate
17:40 – 18: 00 Conclusions
Conclusions by Mr. Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission, and Ms.
Isabelle Weykmans, Belgian Presidency, Minister for Culture and Tourism